Plants will save our lives…our health

Did you know that the pesticides from the veggies we buy at the grocery store get stored up in our fat and in our brain so over time we start to exhibit strange behaviors which are exactly what the TV commercials play up to in offering the so called answer in the form of a pill.  Gee, are we really in control anymore, if that’s the case?  Well, not if I can help it !!

Moringa is my fave new plant.  it has the highest quality ingredients of anything green, that i’ve found.  just google that name and see what i mean, for instance….

“It is commonly said that Moringa leaves contain more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas,” and that the protein quality of Moringa leaves rivals that of milk and eggs.”

“As a Filipino, I love Moringa plant or commonly known as “Malunggay” in Filipino. Moringa has many health and useful benefits. It is well known in India as herbal plant and uses it as a medicine against various diseases. Moringa tree grows fast and can survive even in a drought and very hot weather conditions resulting in enough supply to a given place.”

“Today, Philippine government has named “malunggay” as a potential source of biofuel.”

•Helps take out dizziness and headaches
•Strengthen bones and muscles
•Normalise hypertension
•Stabilize blood sugar levels
•Reduced inflammations and arthritis
•Helps stops tumor formation
•Helps improve ulcer condition

Stay tuned, as we’re experimenting with it now, on one of our smaller Hawaiian islands.  Some home-schooled kids are working with it to create a new healthy product that they can distribute to many kids, and self-fund their own goals, projects, and ideas.  gee, what a concept, eh?

Food Garden Sign

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One Response to “Plants will save our lives…our health”

  1. Light Journey Retreats Says:

    […] Plants will save our lives…our health […]

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